AECL is responsible for managing the Government of Canada’s radioactive waste and decommissioning liabilities.
This includes:
Sites which are no longer being used for nuclear research, but that need to be managed, decontaminated and decommissioned in order to protect the environment. These sites are owned by AECL and managed by CNL.
Sites which have been contaminated with low-level radioactive waste for which the Government of Canada has accepted responsibilities. These are not necessarily AECL-owned sites, but we are responsible for their safe clean-up and remediation.
A key project in this category is the Port Hope Area Initiative, which is being managed by CNL on our behalf.
The Chalk River Laboratories, which continue to be used to perform research activities in nuclear science. At this site, we are responsible for addressing environmental liabilities which have been created as a result of decades of nuclear science and technology activities, including contaminated buildings and lands.