Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Science &

Canada’s National Innovation &
Centre for Cyber Security

Located in Fredericton’s Cyber Centre, CNL has in place a cyber security team that explores solutions for the protection of nuclear power plants and other critical infrastructure, for the benefit of Canada.

Guarding nuclear power plants and other critical energy infrastructure against cyber threats is an ongoing challenge requiring innovative solutions. While protections are in place for conventional information technology systems to prevent hacking and data theft, cyber security for industrial control systems present additional challenges because these systems are operating 24/7, are subject to rigorous regulatory controls, and can have operational and safety impacts. Even well-intended cyber security protective measures could interfere with their operation.

With support from AECL’s Federal Nuclear Science and Technology Work Plan, CNL’s cyber security team is improving the cyber security posture and increasing resilience for operational technology environments employed primarily in nuclear but applicable to other critical infrastructures.

The National Innovation Centre for Cyber Security in Fredericton includes a state-of-the-art cyber range that mimics computer networks typically found in a nuclear power plant. This simulated environment provides a unique platform for hands-on training exercises and workshops and offers the conditions for researching cyber security solutions that are relevant to mission critical operational technology environments.

This allows work on methodologies and technologies for training, monitoring, detecting and mitigating cyber-intrusion and cyber-physical security events in complex real-time systems and associated communications networks.

Activities also support the implementation and application of CSA N290.7 standard for cyber security for nuclear power plants, as well as small reactor facilities and non-reactor nuclear facilities.